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“When done right, school feeding programs improve the health and education of children; make communities more resilient; promote gender equality; and support national economies and social stability. They are truly the best investment any government can make.”
What is food security?
We break it down.
Leaders of 76 countries are all saying the same thing:
When COVID-19 shut down schools everywhere, the world saw the cost to the health, safety and
well-being of 168 million children.
Not only did young people worldwide experience an "unprecedented learning crisis" according to the World Food Programme, but without school, they also lost access to one of the best systems for protecting their mental health and safety.
With schools now re-opened, a recent report makes it clear that providing school meals is a powerful solution to protecting education and addressing some of the world's most pressing problems. But more support is needed for these programs to meet their full potential.
Read the full report here
Did you know that we are in the midst of a devastating global hunger crisis?
According to the World Food Programme, an estimated 828 million people will go to bed hungry tonight.
And when families are hungry, students - especially girls - miss school.
This means that children's education, health and safety are at grave risk, again.
Ten-year-old Ishatu (her friends call her Isha) lives in a small community in the Port Loko district of Sierra Leone.
Though Isha loves school and is a quick learner, her mother stuggles to pay school fees for her and her sisters.
Without enough money for lunch, Isha fought to concentrate on an empty stomach.
A meal program delivered by Plan International and the government of Sierra Leone lets Isha get the most out of her lessons.
"I now eat every lunchtime at school," says Isha. "It helps me focus in class."
The program is not merely about providing school meals. By feeding children at school, Plan International is providing children a chance to learn and succeed.
How many children receive free or subsidized school meals
More Than
a Meal
When families face poverty and hunger, girls are often pulled from school to help at home. School meal programs are a proven solution to ensure children are fed, healthy and encouraged to learn.
Table of Contents:
1. How school meals fight hunger and protect education
2. Employment, health and climate response get a boost
3. Gaps in global support
4. How can you take action today?
How school meals fight hunger
and protect education
30 million children are currently suffering from acute malnutrition
But school feeding programs are a proven solution when education is threatened by hunger.
Kaingu Kuzungu, a teacher in Kilifi, Kenya, had less than half of his students showing up each day after the region was hit by a drought.
But when Plan International launched a meals program at his school, attendance rebounded.
These interventions are especially important for girls, says Tanjina Mirza, chief programs officer at Plan International Canada.
"When food is in short suppy, girls are expected to eat last and least, and they are the first to be pulled from school to help out at home," Mirza says.
School meals not only ensure girls have food, but they also encourage families to keep girls in the classroom.
Last Year, Plan International fed more than 26,000 girls in Sierra Leone and 22,500 children across four countries in Kenya by providing mid-day hot meals.
Employment, health and climate response get a boost
School meal programs use ingredients available locally to ensure students have at least one nourishing meal a day.
But as the State of School Feeding Worldwide 2022 report demonstrates, the benefits of these programs reach even further than hunger and education. They also make a dent in major global concerns such as:
1. Jobs
School meal programs created 4 million jobs in 85 countries since 2020.
Meal programs support industries largely led by women, including cooks, small catering companies and small holder farmers.
1,377 jobs are created for every 100,000 children fed.
2. Health
School meals promote balanced and nutritious diets that help children stay healthy. More than 80% of the schools surveyed also use meal programs to deliver other critical health services, like vaccinations and de-worming.
3. Climate and global food systems:
School meal programs are a US$48 billion investment. By emphasizing climate-resilient and energy-smart food production and supporting local food markets and farmers, these programs can drive big bucks that support our planet’s future.
– State of School Feeding Worldwide 2022
Gaps in global support
International support for school feeding in 2022 was US$214 million, down from US$267 million in 2020
Fact BOx
48% in upper - middle income countries
39% in lower - middle income countries
18% in low - income countries
"Classes are full to the brim," says Kuzungu. "Even children who are not school age yet are coming with their older siblings so they can access food."
Launched in 2021, the School Meals Coalition reflects global recognition of the importance of school meal programs. The Coalition has quickly grown to include leadership from 76 countries representing 58% of the world's population.
The State of School Feeding report showcases the work of the Coalition and celebrates the progress that has been made in the last two years. Today, 30 million more children are reached by school meal programs than before the pandemic hit in 2020.
But the report states, these gains are not being felt equally.
How can you take action today?
Until August 31st, you have a rare opportunity to donate to a school feeding program and have your contribution matched by 35x!
The government of Sierra Leone and private Canadian donors, have jointly committed to this pledge. This means every $20 donated will have $720 worth of impact - but only until
August 31st.
Plan International currenlty supports school feeding programs in:
Sierra Leone
Burkina Faso
Central African Republic
South Sudan
also operates programs that increase food security in more than 17 countries that are among the hardest hit by the hunger crisis.
Student meal programs and student take home rations
Our programs provide:
Emergency food and cash voucher distributions
Farming support, including providing drought and flood resistant seeds
Support for school and community gardens that provide nutritious food
Community nutrition campaigns, especially to reach families with expectant parents, infants and young children
Help for household in accessing clean water for safe food preparation
Our programs provide:
Protection initiatives that help keep girls safe from the added risks that food shortages create, such as early and forced marriage, abuse and sexual or labour based exploitation
In the lowest-income countries, school feeding programs are reaching 4% fewer children than before the pandemic, despite the governments in these countries having increased their domestic investments by 15%.
So where's the shortfall?
The shortfall is in international funding from foreign funders. Official development aid (ODA) for school feeding programs is down by US$53 million since 2020.
The report calls for an increased international commitment to these programs, with a particular focus on supporting lower-income countries, where the need is greatest.
Support our school feeding program in Sierra Leone - your contribution will be matched 35x until August 31.
418 million children worldwide currently benefit from school meals
828 million people are experiencing hunger
A school feeding program brings students back to school in Kilifi, Kenya.
In Sierra Leone, school meal programs are increasing student numbers by 50%.
School meals are worth investing in.
70% of people impacted by the hunger crisis globally live in areas afflicted by conflict
70% of people impacted by the hunger crisis globally live in areas afflicted by conflict
But school feeding programs are a proven solution when education is threatened by hunger.
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